Ahad, 24 April 2011


*sigh* why i'm being bored till reading such a sad fanfic >< , my feeling is down now , no emotional or either feeling .

 Failing doesn't make a person a failure 
Giving up did .. 
Open your heart and accept all the truth 
Might help a person find out all about themselves.... 

Eventhough i can't be a singer .... 
still i won't give up singing .
cause i knew i got those talent .... 
Even though i'm adopted 
still .... 
I'm happy that i could grow up from a such a warm family 

Eventhough my friend can't be my sister 
Still ... 
I trust them 
Took care of them like my own sister .
Love them like my siblings ... 

때론 잘못된 선택들로 아파했지만
아무 말 없이 뒤에서 지켜봐 주셨죠

서툴고 어린 아이지만 이젠 알 것 같아요
엄마의 조용한 기도의 의미를

지혜로운 엄마의 딸 될게요  나에게 용기를 줘요
어딜가도 자랑스런 딸이 될게요 You’ve been there for me
: 엄마의 사랑의 바램들을 지켜갈게요
 한없이 보여준 사랑만큼
 따스한 맘을 가질게요
수줍어 자주 표현 못했죠
 엄마 정말로 사랑해요................

these are some part that really meanful for me from 'dear mom' which mean Though I’ve made hurtful wrong choices
You silently watched over me from behind
But now I think more than an innocent child
The meaning of mom’s silent prayers

I’m afraid that it will still lack
I’ll be a wise daughter of my mom (Give me the courage)
I will be a proud daughter no matter where I go (You’ve been there for me)
I’ll keep the love of my mother’s wishes
I’ll show endless love
I’ll have a warm heart
I’m shy to express to mom
That I really love my mom

Eumma saranghaeyeo ....

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